Framework Agreement Alexandr Mashayeh - 2025

Contract Number: ___________

Date: ______________


1) Buyer of the Breeding:

Name: _____________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________

2) Seller of the Breeding:

Alexandr Mashayeh Partnership
St. Gallen, Switzerland

3) Regarding the Stallion: Alexandr Mashayeh

This contract covers the purchase of ___ breedings of the above-mentioned stallion.

This breeding must be used within two years. A contract extension is only possible with prior information to the stallion owner, otherwise the breeding expires.

Mare name for semen delivery: _______________________


  • 1 Breeding = 1,500 €

  • Only fresh semen is available.


The total price must be paid in full upon signing the contract.


  1. Any breeding of Alexandr Mashayeh that is sponsored, won at an event, exchanged, gifted, or acquired through another intermediary does not include frozen semen and may not be resold to third parties.

  2. The costs for all shipping documents (or permits), the shipping container, and shipping costs are not included in the price and must be paid separately.

  3. The mare owner has the right to change the mare for which the semen was shipped.

  4. The mare owner is obliged to report the result of the pregnancy within two weeks after insemination to the office (

  5. Each breeding of Alexandr Mashayeh includes a live foal guarantee.


All disputes related to the housing of the mare and her insemination are subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of the Swiss courts.


This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous written or oral agreements. Amendments to this contract are only valid in written form and with the signature of both parties.